Perhaps a city is a living thing. Each city has its own personality, after all. Los Angeles is not Vienna. London is not Moscow. Chicago is not Paris. Each city is a collection of lives and buildings and it has its own personality. So, if a city has a personality, maybe it also has a soul. Maybe it dreams. -Old Man from "The Sandman" by Neil Gaiman

Coming in on the 34


This is how New Haven comes up on the horizon, when you're driving in through the Route 34 exit off the I-91 or I-95. I love how it's backlit by the sunset. If you look off to the right, you'll see the Coliseum, which is going to be inploded soon (due to asbestos in the building), changing the city skyline forever. When I used to take the Connecticut Limo from Hartford or Kennedy Airport, flying back after a visit home or to my relatives, I'd see that skyline come up and be happy, because New Haven felt like home, even then.

About me

  • I'm Starry Saltwater Rose
  • From New Haven, Connecticut, United States
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