Perhaps a city is a living thing. Each city has its own personality, after all. Los Angeles is not Vienna. London is not Moscow. Chicago is not Paris. Each city is a collection of lives and buildings and it has its own personality. So, if a city has a personality, maybe it also has a soul. Maybe it dreams. -Old Man from "The Sandman" by Neil Gaiman

Cutler's Music Store

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Cutler’s on Broadway on a winter night

There really aren’t too many independent record stores left out there, but Cutler’s on Broadway is still standing. The store is cut into two parts—the classical music side and then everything else. They have a cat that pretty much lives in the classical music section. Even when the place is closed, you can get a look at the calico staring out of the window right at you.

Cutler’s has the best used CD’s. I usually skip everything else and go there. It’s cheaper, and I’m trying to build up my CD collection. I was dating a Muslim and left my CD’s in his car. Unbeknownst to me, his family is part of some crazy Muslim mafia type thing and, when his car broke down, they shipped it to Syria to sell it, along with a few other cars. My entire CD collection is in the Middle East.

So I raid the used CD’s section and then wander around. Cutler’s has 80’s era arcade video games—Pac-Man, Donkey Kong, Street Fighter—lined up along the back wall. I suck at video games, so I avoid them, but sometimes I pause to check out the intro graphics.

Cutler’s also sells vinyl, which makes me want to buy a turntable. Not to spin or anything silly like that (I’d be a lousy spinner, no motivation), just to have at home and play around with. I didn’t even know that they sold modern songs on vinyl. I’m seeing Madonna, 50 Cent covers—and then I do a double take. They’re way too big to be CD’s, too small to be promotional posters...oh, hey, they’re records!

At Sam Ash on Amity Road, they have hundred dollar record players. But that doesn’t include all the speakers and amps and shit. One day, though, I’m going to walk into Cutler’s, straight through Videos and DVD’s, skim the new releases, linger my gaze over the used CD’s and start flipping through those records with intent of blasting those bad boys out in my entertainment room in the basement. Smoking a joint, of course.

The guy behind the counter with the blue hair is Ryan. My friend Becky gets along with him pretty well. She ran into him at Rudy’s when she was down for a weekend from Boston. They chatted, he told her to come by the store the next day. So while I’m digging around in the used bin, Becky gets free music from Ryan that he burned for her.

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